Calls for Art
Call for Art: "Eros: The Sensual Side of Love"
We invite artists to explore and express the many dimensions of sensuality, intimacy, and desire in our upcoming exhibition, Eros: The Sensual Side of Love. This call for art seeks works that delve into the deeper, more nuanced aspects of love — the physical, emotional, and passionate connections that shape our most intimate experiences.
The concept of Eros transcends mere physical attraction, embodying the beauty, complexity, and raw energy of romantic and sensual love. We encourage artists to interpret this theme through diverse mediums, including but not limited to painting, sculpture, photography, mixed media, digital art, and installations. Whether through the portrayal of intimate moments, the celebration of human connection, or an exploration of vulnerability and desire, we invite you to bring your unique vision to this powerful theme.
The submission deadline for this show is January 19, 2025, with an opening show at Chicago Fine Art Salon on February 7th.
Submission Requirements:
$26 per submission
$52 for three submissions
Images must be at least 300 DPI
How to Submit:
Fill out the submission form linked here and submit high-def images of the work you want to submit, including all the required information (Title, Medium, Dimensions, etc.
Pay the submission fee here for the show you’re applying to to be considered for the show! (Either an online gallery ONLY option or the In-Person gallery submission plus the online gallery)
Coming Soon
Opening January: Call for Prints
Opening February: Figures Group Show
Submission Requirements
$7 per Image
$42 for 7 Images
Images must be at least 300 DPI
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
First you can submit your information and work with the submission form button on the Call for Artists page of our website at https://www.chicagofineartsalon.com/call-for-artists, or you can reach the submission form here. There is no limit to the number of pieces that can be submitted, however the fee for submission is tiered based on the month for consideration for the in-person collection and automatic inclusion in the online gallery. If you would like to only show your work in the online gallery, you can pay a discounted fee of $11 per piece. On the submission form titles, sizes, mediums, prices and files should be numbered and in order. The images of the work you are submitting must be in JPEG format, minimum quality 300 DPI, tightly cropped and lit evenly.
The application fee can only be paid on our website. The price for participation in our online gallery is 11$ per piece. All applicants are accepted into the online gallery. For $19 in January, $24 in February, $29 in March, and $34 in April per piece you can participate in the online gallery and be considered for our juried in-person exhibition. You are not guaranteed admission to the in-person gallery. A curator will look over the work submitted and reach out to accepted artists no later than 3 days after the application deadline.
Once you submit your work on the google form, you will receive an email with the gallery contract attached. The gallery contract must be read and signed by all artists who wish to participate in any CFAS show. The contract must be filled out and emailed to info@chicagofineartsalon.com in order for an application to be considered. When the appropriate fee is paid, the application is complete.
We accept applications from all over the world, for both the online gallery and in-person galleries. If you apply to the online gallery admission is guaranteed except in extenuating circumstances. A cropped, 300 dpi digital documentation of your work will be presented in our online gallery on our website with an accompanying artist’s statement or bio. If you decide to apply to our in-person gallery and are accepted you will be responsible for shipping fees for delivery to the gallery and for providing a return shipping label in case your work does not sell while it is on display. Do not ship your work before acceptance is confirmed. To minimize delivery fees, if you are applying from outside of chicago reach out to our gallery manager as soon as possible at livinglese@chicagofineartsalon.com to expedite the processing of your application.
Your application is complete when the google form, submission fees, and gallery contract are all submitted. You can expect to hear back about your application 1-3 business days after your submission is in on the google form. If you need to hear back early or need any kind of accommodation you are encouraged to reach out to livinglese@chicagofineartsalon.com .
CFAS asks for submission fees to support the gallery’s efforts. The artists contribute with submission fees and commissions to help offset the cost of producing and promoting the events, that in turn, support the local artist’s community.