labyrinth of mato tipila, a solvable maze
By Constance Volk
clay, acrylic, prismatic oil on canvas
48” by 36”
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The Devils Tower United States National Monument, located in Wyoming, is a mesmerizing monolith that I have explored many times. My research of this landmark continues to reveal more and more reasons to paint it... just one more time! From regional Native American tribe’s many names and stories, to geological quandaries and discoveries, this muse endlessly inspires. I LOVE the Devils Tower. This rendition, ‘Labyrinth of Mato Tipila’, is one of dozens I have painted...
I create textured paintings on canvas using clay, acrylic and prismatic oil, using a technique I call ‘channelling’. I am interested in pathways, found both in the mind and in nature, which I represent with mazes. A pathway is formed by repetition, and eventually confines activity the more entrenched the pathway becomes. In this way, pathways form boundaries that determine behavior. The act of creating mazes, solving mazes, even just getting lost in mazes, is where I explore the internal landscape of my own mind.
Liquid prismatic oil marbles over a multi-day curing process, producing organic networks that appear repetitive, but upon closer inspection, reveal unique subtleties, as the veins in a leaf. Enamored with this material, I was driven to give it a home within my maze channels. These channels form a puzzle, appearing to have ‘right answers’ and ‘dead ends’, which they do, but as one experiences the intricacy of each ‘moment’ along the marbled pathways that evoke nature’s beauty, might they realize the ‘answer’ is everywhere.